EOT’s Contribution to the OSDU™  Data Platform

EOT is a proud member of the OSDU™ Platform Forum, a standard data platform for the oil and gas industry, which reduces silos and solves the challenge of storing, organizing, migrating, and accessing subsurface data. Alongside Chevron, Shell, ExxonMobil, BP, AWS, and others, we’re helping guide the development of the real-time operational data platform of OSDU for the E&P industry.

Goals of OSDU data platform :
  • Enable secure, reliable, global, and performant access to all subsurface and wells data
  • Reduce current data silos to enable transformational workflows
  • Accelerate the deployment of emerging digital solutions for better decision-making
  • Create an open, standards-based ecosystem that drives innovation

This will revolutionize the industry’s ability to deliver new capabilities and reduce implementation and lifecycle costs across the subsurface community.

Be a part of the future, become a member of OSDU today: https://www.opengroup.org/membership
For a full list of members, visit HERE

The Future of Open Starts Now – Launching EOT’s OSDU Real-Time Data Contribution

May 10th, 2021. We are launching EOT’s effort to liberate operational data to flow smoothly and securely across boundaries and barriers. A secure and scalable cloud-based solution EOT’s Twin Talk works to seamlessly connect people, applications, and data across your business. The enables E&P teams to collaborate and access operational real-time data. They can create, share, and consume, faster together, through an open digital environment, free from confinement, to accelerate innovation at scale.

May 17th, 2021 – EOT announces that Twin Talk will be ingesting operational data from historians, SCADA systems and OPC UA servers into the OSDU Real-Time Platform via a new Twin Talk Apache Kafka connector.

OSDU Kafka Real-Time Support

EOT’s Twin Talk®️ is an ETL++ Software System designed for extracting, filtering, enriching, transforming, and delivering operational data from industrial data sources to cloud-based systems, apps, and platforms. Twin Talk will create data pipelines from OSDU’s streaming manifest and extract, transform and enrich data from operational data sources to simplify and accelerate the streaming process to near real-time.

Three ways to learn more about EOT’s Twin Talk :

Click above for a Deep Dive into Operational Monitoring and Analytics in the AWS Cloud

How to gain insights from operational data locked up in SCADA systems and historians with cloud-based predictive analytics and anomaly detection across all production sites.

Click above to check out the Webinar: Monetizing Operational IoT Data with Cloud Analytics and Machine Learning

Learn how to how to unlock the Business Value of Operational IoT Data avoiding overlooked obstacles and pitfalls that can lead to the failure of even the most promising projects.

Click above to Take the Cloud Analytics Readiness Assessment

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