Take the Cloud Analytics Readiness Assessment

How Ready are You for Cloud Analytics?

Mining data across all operating assets and applying modern data science to create analytical and machine learning models, allows industrial companies to capitalize on production, asset, and resource optimizations, as well as cost and emission reductions.

But where are Energy Companies with Cloud Analytics today and what are their goals for the future?

  • 98% of Energy Companies use SCADA and historians to manage and store operational production data.
  • 92% of Energy Companies want to implement cloud analytics to compare performance across sites.
  • 77% want to use Cloud-based predictive analytics and ML tools and apps to implement production and cost-saving optimizations.
  • But less than 9% of Energy Companies have a “site-to-cloud-data-management” solution deployed in production.

What does it take to implement a Cloud-Based, Enterprise-Wide Production Monitoring and Surveillance Solution?

The challenge is that most industrial companies use conventional field-based SCADA, historians, and other monitoring systems are locally limited systems in process control networks, that have no connection to the internet and were built to monitor and react to events in the production equipment or network.

These siloed and impenetrable-by-nature environments can’t be used for enterprise-side modern analytics and machine learning algorithms because they have neither the storage capacity nor compute power.

Take the 1-hour Cloud Analytics Readiness Assessment

Learn what it will take for you to transform your existing infrastructure into a cloud-based, event-driven, enterprise-wide production monitoring and surveillance environment. Within 1 hour, you’ll find out where you stand in your journey to implement an edge to cloud operations solution, what your biggest future challenges and how you compare to others in your industry. Fill in your info and receive your free assessment.

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