Unlocking Cloud Technologies for Digital Transformation

EOT enables industrial operating companies to leverage the power of cloud-based data analytics, machine learning and AI by tapping into the unrealized value hidden within their operational data: Via one single platform, EOT solution allows to enforce access controls, compliance and threat protection across their industrial systems and devices. EOT architecture is designed from the ground up for the unique characteristics of industrial environments. EOT creates the connection between operational data providers and standard integration points for all major IIoT cloud platforms and applications. EOT’s solution can be deployed as a cloud-based or on-prem.

Designed for Rapid Piloting

Publish operational data from industrial plants to the cloud easily and get pilots implemented in days not months without work-arounds, hacks or custom integrations.

Built to Provide Trust and Access Control

Take advantage of a modern trust and federated identity management system designed for operational devices, fully decentralized and in-built redundancy with guaranteed uptime even without connection to the internet.

Future-Proof Your Integrations

Use or switch to the cloud infrastructures, platforms and applications of your choice. Designed to be open and vendor neutral.