Twin Talk Accelerates Digital Transformation

The vast potential of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data science to reduce costs and increase productivity has encouraged many industrial operating companies into making significant investments in the latest industrial IoT (IIoT) and automation platforms. Yet, many have been struggling to deliver the substantial value promised to their organizations.

This is because the sensor data that can drive this transformational change is locked inside closed industrial operational networks that were never designed to be connected to the internet. Without access to this operational data, delivering predictive analytics, intelligent solutions, and providing real-time actionable insights that reduce costs and downtime and improve efficiencies is very hard, if not impossible.

By serving as a Data Integration Platform for industrial IoT, EOT’s Twin Talk solution creates secure, scalable access channels between industrial operational systems (OT) and cloud (IT) solutions, thus unlocking the unrealized value of operational data. It removes the barriers (cost and work) associated with architecting a complex, firewalled network and IT infrastructure that moves the data from operational environments to the cloud. Twin Talk empowers digital transformation executives, operators, data scientists, and business analysts and their teams to leverage AI, machine learning (ML), and analytics tools and platforms to gain real-time actionable insights and use operational intelligence to reduce costs and downtime and improve efficiencies of their operational assets. With EOT’s Twin Talk, all operational data can be accessed in a secure and coordinated fashion, keeping plant operations safe while delivering tangible business value from modern software solutions. Instead of a complex, time-consuming, and expensive process, Twin Talk is designed to overcome the many security and organizational hurdles to make transmitting sensor data from operational assets as simple as it should be. Twin Talk allows companies to return focus to where it belongs – delivering productivity through digitization.

Twin Talk RT for Snowflake

Twin Talk has immediate impact and consequences for digital transformation executives, operators, data scientists, and business analysts and their teams. Embracing a simple, scalable, secure data access strategy for new and existing projects offers many benefits, including:

Benefits of EOT’s Twin Talk

Twin Talk has immediate impact and consequences for digital transformation executives, operators, data scientists, and business analysts and their teams. Embracing a simple, scalable, and secure data access strategy for new and existing projects offers many benefits, including:

  1. Getting out of POC Purgatory: Twin Talk’s software-defined DMZ gateways shorten innovation and deployment cycles dramatically by cutting the time it takes to get a POC running down to a few days. The ability of rapidly provisioning/de-provisioning secure channels that connect 3rd party cloud-based predictive analytics and other operational efficiency enhancing services to operational sensor data removes a critical barrier and speeds up the delivery timelines for pilot.
  2. Scaling from Pilot to Production: Leveraging Twin Talk’s “no touch” externalization of identity and access management for existing pilots projects a rapid scale-out of the solution across geographical, logical, and organizational boundaries into production environments.
  3. Eliminating cybersecurity risk: Twin Talk’s software-defined DMZ gateways act as virtualized operational systems in the cloud (such as the historians and SCADA systems) thereby eliminating cybersecurity risks to air-gapped OT systems. This allows industrial corporates to cut through layers of internal security “red tape”, which is a source of a great deal of wasted time. Furthermore, Twin Talk provides complete visibility into all data access from OT systems and one-stop monitoring and assurance of secure data access.
  4. Lowering on-going costs: Instead of spending time and money towards changing firewall and IT infrastructure environments, Twin Talk’s simple identity, access, and security manager for cloud/IT applications and operational systems empowers both IT and OT administrators to add or remove access without making changes to existing infrastructure.
  5. Making Sense of Data: Twin Talk’s DMZ gateways understand operational data models and formats and are able to translate, filter, and enrich those complex data models of operational systems into formats that can easily be ingested by cloud-based analytics, machine learning, and AI algorithms in real time.
  6. Delivering Value Faster: Twin Talk allows AI experts and data scientists to securely and efficiently test-drive more AI, ML, and analytics solutions so they can find the best tools and analytics to deliver transformative value to their organizations, as promised by digitization.

Built-in Security

Most OT networks use a security model known as the Purdue model where assets are placed into five layers. Twin Talk provides security needed for the new digital age. It features built-in security, is vendor neutral, ISA compliant, circumvents internal “red-tape” discussions, multi-tenant, passes security audits, works for POCs, pilots, and company-wide deployments.

Ad-hoc Access

EOT Twin Talk was designed to quickly establish and de-establish secure access channels between cloud-based solutions and operational data sources. It enables speedy proof of IIoT/DT concepts that can be easily scaled up into large deployments with built-in security that reduces operational risk.

Data Context Enrichment

Enriches data with context and yields insight, because analytics requires not only getting the data out of the OT world but also aggregating the data such that it can be understood in the context in which it was measured.